Meet Andrea
I didn’t think I cared about being able to breastfeeding… until I did everything I could to make exclusive breastfeeding work.
My first baby had severe oral ties and major weight gain issues due to oral dysfunction. From his birth until he finally got on a growth curve at 4 months it felt like my family lived nearly every feeding plan available. Nearly 6 weeks of triple feeding absolutely destroyed my mental health - that’s when my partner and I had an honest conversation.
Exclusive breastfeeding was not working for our family.
Initially I planned to fully formula feed because combo feeding felt overwhelming and exhausting! But I had worked so hard to establish breastfeeding and I was not ready to accept that our journey was over.
Instead I let go of pumping, added formula, and we took it one feeding at a time till we found our groove.
Combo feeding allowed me to enjoy feeding again!
The pressure I felt to exclusively breastfeed surprised me, the lack of resources I found around combo feeding shocked me even more. I knew I had to become the resource I needed in the depths of feeding trauma.
I’m Andrea Kirschling,
a wife, mom of 2,
and Certified Lactation Counselor
that helps parents find their own joy in feeding!
I am a lactation counselor that:
publically talks about formula so you know you can ask me about it too.
cares about sustainable feeding plans and conscious decision making.
gives you options – not slowly move you back to exclusive breastfeeding without your input.
is proud of you for making feeding choices that are best for you, your baby, and your family as a whole.
Learning to feed your baby is so much more than ounces and techniques – it can build communication in your relationships and confidence in yourself.
Let’s dive into your feeding needs together and see how we can create your joy!